Get started making your technonomicon.

Start it up like any other Astro theme.

  npm create astro@latest -- --template technomancy-dev/technonomicon
  cd ./technomancy
  npm run dev

After that you can open up pages/index.astro where you will see we are using collections to get an issue. Issues are the basic building blocks of a technonomicon. They can be treated like pages in a textbook or issues of a newspaper, but we will get into that later. For now just open up the file for the issue and glance through it.

You will notice it is an MDX file that is tying a few things together.

It might do something simple like pull togther two articles and join them with a title for the issue.

Modify this issue to see changes on the home page.

title: Publish amazing content in a unique format.
description: An Astro theme for publishing content for humans to read.
issue_number: 1
layout: "../../layouts/Issue.astro"

import { getEntry } from "astro:content";
import Empty from "../../components/Empty.astro"
import ArticleTeaser from "../../components/ArticleTeaser.astro";
import FancyParagraph from "../../components/Content/FancyParagraph.astro";
import TitleLink from "../../components/TitleLink.astro";

export const technonomicon = await getEntry(
export const card_intro = await getEntry(
export const quick_install = await getEntry("articles", "quick-install");

export const components = {
h1: props => <h1 class="col-span-12 text-3xl lg:text-9xl font-display text-center text-balance" {...props} />

# {frontmatter.title}

components={{ h1: props => <TitleLink slug={card_intro.slug} {...props} />}}
class="prose prose-xl xl:col-span-8 col-span-12"
cta="Read more about why I made this"

components={{ h1: props => <TitleLink slug={quick_install.slug} {...props} />}}
class="lg:col-span-8 xl:col-span-4 lg:sticky top-10 self-start row-span-2 prose-xl col-span-12"
cta="Read more about getting started"

components={{ h1: props => <TitleLink slug={technonomicon.slug} {...props} />}}
class="prose prose-xl xl:col-span-8 col-span-12"
cta="Read more about why I made this"