Cards to share tips and have fun.

Now with all new cards!


Astro Theme

Holy Sh*t

Free as in beer.

$0 /forever

The greatest theme for writing.

  • Built around MDX
  • Powerful portability

The technonomicon is the book of the devs. This card allows you to author content in unique ways, and remix it across your site using the combined powers of MDX and technomancy.

Play this card command the book of the devs.


Astro Theme


Free as in beer.

$0 /forever

The greatest theme for writing.

  • Built around MDX
  • Powerful portability

The technonomicon is the book of the devs. This card allows you to author content in unique ways, and remix it across your site using the combined powers of MDX and technomancy.

Play this card command the book of the devs.

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These two cards use the same file for content. They simply have a different wrapper. A wrapper which has total control of how the elements are rendered, because of the power of MDX.

Tip Card!

Why MDX Cards

tldr; To use markdown dummy!

A tip card can do a lot, like help you understand the point of using MDX for these cards.

The MDX to this card is relatively simple compared to product cards. I can use it to record short tips, and it will get its own page, but also can be displayed as a card on some other page.

And since this is MDX I can do stuff like code snippets.

# And maybe the card will end with an enticing headline!
Read more about this.