
Astro Theme


Free as in beer.

$0 /forever

The greatest theme for writing.

  • Built around MDX
  • Powerful portability

The technonomicon is the book of the devs. This card allows you to author content in unique ways, and remix it across your site using the combined powers of MDX and technomancy.

Play this card command the book of the devs.

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Astro Theme

Holy Sh*t

Free as in beer.

$0 /forever

The greatest theme for writing.

  • Built around MDX
  • Powerful portability

The technonomicon is the book of the devs. This card allows you to author content in unique ways, and remix it across your site using the combined powers of MDX and technomancy.

Play this card command the book of the devs.

The Technonomicon makes stitching content together simple.

You can take pieces of content and create some frankenstein-esque villianous blog. At least, that is what I did. Here is a whole article I wrote about it. Well not the whole article, just the stuff not contained in a More tag.

The Technonomicon is an Astro Theme for getting weird.

Whether it be a curse, blog, tabloid, manga, if you want to write a lot of content and publish it on the web the technonomicon is the way to do it.

Somewhere along the way we all agreed a blog should look one particular way. This* caused all of the web to take a similar shape. And that way kindof sucks. So I made something else.

The technonomicon is a a made-up language written out in living glyphs lifted from demonic literature and religious text

Ok, maybe that is a bit dramtic, but I do think it is pretty cool, and it was inspired by various forms of print media, and early ideas about how the internet should work.

Because of this is has a large focus on text, and how ideas connect to each other.

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There are a few tags that are important to the Technonomicon, and More might be the most important of all.

The contents of a More tag can be discarded, by rendering More as Empty